TRT trainings delivered to MHPSS workers in Syria and Turkey

From the 28th July to 6th August 2023, TWO three-day TRT trainings were delivered online to MHPSS workers located in Syria and Turkey. The training was led by Dr Masa Al-kurdi (lead trainer), Abd Hammoud (co-trainer 1) and Ali Zouby (co-trainer 2), all Children and War (CAW) trainers.

A total of 63 participants took part in the training, most of which were part of Medical Relief for Syria and Independent Doctors Association. All participants have a wide range of experience working with children in war zones and currently MHPSS workers responding to the war and earthquake response inside Syria.

Each training was held online for three days via zoom conference call. The training sessions were split between lecture-style sessions and practical sessions. The lecture-style sessions allowed for training on the manual, Q and A and discussions about delivery of the sessions and techniques. In the practical sessions, participants were split up into working groups (zoom rooms) and would practice techniques through role play activities of the techniques and delivery of parts of the sessions. The practical sessions allowed for further discussions and Q and A. This gave the chance for everyone to practice delivering the sessions multiple times and obtain comprehensive feedback on ways to improve their skills. It allowed the trainer to assess participants knowledge and understanding of the program.

Trainers will hold supervision and follow-up meetings with facilitators in the coming months to support them through the implementation of the TRT.

About Children and War Foundation The Children and War Foundation (CAW) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to improving children’s lives after wars and disasters.

When disasters and war strike, so many children are affected. CAW has developed methods which enable us to reach out to large groups of children by helping them cope with their fear and trauma.


In Memoriam: Professor William Yule (1940–2023)


Successful TRT Plus Parenting training in May